The last two days….

Yesterday was Sanja’s birthday so we gorged on food and the Soprano’s and rounded the day off with Hannah Gadsby! The day before began with a coating of snow all over the place but it soon melted away. The temperature has however dropped.

The mornng after we planted the first crop of the year…… it snowed! Still it melted away within a few hours so maybe our baby onions will survive!
Bright blue sky and snow on the big apple tree.
Heading off on a little walk in the woods above our “village” I was struck by how few bad selfies I’ve subjected you to of late. Not long after Sanja saw some wild dear on the spot so I guess I’m not as frightening as I thought/look!
With most of the snow gone from the trees it was a suprise to see this lot holding out, resting on a small but thick canopy of leaves, despite the sun.
Sanja chooses the path we take through the woods.
With the agility of a mountain goat and the energy of a teenager on steroids Sanja climbs up for a better view!

Then yesterday we headed off south in to our woods….

Snow drops or Grandma’s tears as they call them around here are abundant in the woods now
A rotting log with some colourful fungi brings a touch of colour variation to the forest floor.
Some rather delicate blueish/purple flowers popping their heads out through the woods floor covering of dry brown leaves.
Bit like a mini orchid these ones!
“If you go down in the woods today you,re in for a big surprise” comes to mind!
Undoubtedly the most common flower in the woods at the moment are these pale yellow things!
Undoubtedly the prettiest flower in the woods yesterday was the birthday girl herself!
Bushwhacked after our trek through the woods birthday girl stretches out on the lower bench.
Yesterday – IWD – we were the Red jacket Brigade!