A quick catch up

How do, its got a bit cold here, not too bad but enough that I lit my wood burner for the first time this ‘winter’? just to take the chill off when I got back from Belgrade. Belgrade!! Yep I took a train down to the Serb capital to do some vegan tourism and work out exactly who the comrades are down there that I know! Belgrade was warm, I was walking around in a t-shirt on one day! The flat I was staying in was an old school block with a centralised hot water and heating system that was on all the time. Thanx to Sanja, I had a grand time and look forward to returning to Beograd again soon. Check my Happy Cow reviews if you want to find out just how suprisingly good it is for vegans!

In an alleyway in Belgrade a shameless egotist fell for a shameless selfie gimmic!

Anyway back at Barabrith the neighbours cows have had their morning grazing  field extended up towards our upper garden.

The cows are munching the grass and farting methane outta their arse. Still saves on “grass” cutting!

I have been busy on our Ebay accounts selling stuff to keep the debts at bay. I have also started an Etsy account to sell the Anarchopuzzles jigsaws that are my latest “get rich slow” scheme. I got my latest box of puzzles from comrade Sned, the other half of the puzzle project in Newcastle today.

My box of our latest jigsaws, The Mob, DOA and Oi Polloi arrives beautiflly packed and wrapped by Sned.
My room with its endless wooden support structure and beams offers quite afew places to store stuff.

The most recent bit of shelf construction completed in my room was the long awaited photograph album shelves. Yes before the arrival of digital camera and smart phones ‘we’ used to have photographs printed on paper and we’d store them in albums for future perusal and amusement. How quaint! The problem with hard copy photographs from ones past is pretty much the same as with digital ones though! Who the hell is that? Where was I when I was doing that? When did that happen? You gotta label the photos asap. In the old days you either wrote on the back of the photo or in the index of the photo album. The album below is my shining example of best practice, sadly never repeated, where I typed out descriptions of each picture on a sheet that is stored in a pocket in the back of the album for that very purpose! So here my, now deceased, mother makes a belated appearence in my blog with the pink umbrella I bought her for her birthday in 2004!

My prize photo album, one of almost 100 albums I have. Thats approximately 7000 photos to keep me entertained when the power fails!
Just managed to squeeze all my photo albums on to these shelves which is good because its unlikely Ill need anymore space for such albums in future.