May the weather settle down a bit?

The British do like to go on about the weather but the erratic weather the Croats  are experiencing is making such conversations very common here too!. Recently it went from 5 degrees one day to 30 the next! Today it has switched from rain, to sun and then apparently both with plenty of wind all day long! The grass is happy, growing like a teenager on steroids.

Below are some photos from Barabrith recently. We’ve had a few visits recently and bookings are beginning to come in!

Seems my dodgy old back is not capapble of swinging my strimmer into battle against the rampant grass at the moment. So I invested the not so hefty sum of 50odd euros in a Lidl electric lawn mower. Its not meant for lawns !?! like mine but so far we’re doing a great job together. But boy do I feel old!
Not sure what this is (I will activate my Picture This app soon, promise!) but it was a gift from a friendly plant seller at the local flea market. Josip is his name!
If ever a cat needed a box to feel content with his life then that cat was Nancy! Here she demonstrates the art of tipping over the paper recycling bin in order to climb into it and rummage around in the rubbish till she’s content and able to gaze out at the world from a perfect posistion of satisfied security! Nevermind the mess!
Hard to believe that such innocent looking beasts as these two could cause anything any harm as it may be the truth is that if you have an allergy to cats please be aware that these two roam around the kitchen dining room and the gazebo but are now allowed in the guest bedrooms. Sorry Dirk!
This is where I used to live. Almost at the top! in Hackney, London.
This colouful beauty is doing nicely and seems to have been ignored by the deer so far. Fingers crossed! I wonder what it is?
The wisteria covering the bench has flowered for the first time and now is so dense that it works as a proper giver of shade too! Cool!
My lastest arboretal addition is an Olive tree. Hopefully this one will survive a bit longer than the last one!
Macabre it may be but for those of you who havent seen a mole up close here is the first of three that our fiendish felines have frightened to death inthe last fortnight!
Sid has started to ask to drink from the basin whilst Nancy still only wants water from the shower! Not sure though what he was thinking he was doing here, a bath maybe? Ours is not to reason why but merely to serve.
Nancy surveys her domain with all the dignity that a mad cat with funny rear legs can do.
The new mower is doing an amazing job of helping me re-cut my paths. Pity I keep running out of cable.
The black bush (I will activate that app soon I promise!) is doing well even on the crap bit of garden when the soild is stoney and shallow.
So there i was trying to finish off planting my spuds and toms when I got an inspection from Sid and Nancy. Thankfully they were preoccupied with murdering another mole and left me to it pretty quick!
A happy guest relaxes on a recliner (name and address withheld for fear of reprisals!)
It was warm and sunny so we went for a walk. At the top of the valley it started to rain. After 5 munites of hiding unsucessfully under trees we opted to brave the walk home in the rain.
As we reached the sanctuary of Barabrith the rain decided to cease, of course! But we still looked like a drenched version of a dodgy Metal/HC crossover trio. Not hard to spot the drummer is it? Don’t mess with this lot is my advice, they look like desperado escapees from an underwater leper colony! Though I’m not sure the drummer is actually human, reminds me of a killler cyborg from Bladerunner.