Snow suprise here!

We were warned there might be a blizzard “on Tuesday” but it was rather too late to change some of my gardening endeavours.

The big pear tree right outside my door was all covered in pretty white blossom yesterday. Today that blossom is itself covered in a thick layer of snow.
As we head out on a little walk in the snow we are of course submitted to the inevitable chorus of “hellos” from the neighbours dogs. Sanja engaged in a limited conversation with them.
Sanja is  however quickly making friends amongst the other inhabitants of our small community.
I love the spots of snow flakes as they pass across our faces.
Is it little red riding hood? Is it a forest syndicalist sprite? Whichever, what a performer!
The furthermost north eastern fence post of Barabrith capped with snow, behind it the bamboo struggles to cope with the weight of the snow. Just in front of the bamboo is where I planted some new flower bulbs yesterday! ho hum!
Thisis one of the four sprigs of privet that I have patiently grown on my windowsill over the last year after taking cuttings from a hedge in Zagreb. Then I carefully plant them out in the garden the day before it decides to snow severely, DOH! Well I guess I they survive this they will probably live long and prosper! Maybe one day I’ll be able to do my own topiary!