Wheels of steel but legs of jelly.

The first visitor we had at Barabrith was Blazh the demon cyclist and keen photographer who regularly goes off on week long rides around the Balkans, off road and on! He rode down to see us from Zagreb and I thought “I must try that sometime”! Google maps say it is only a 70km journey but the hills towards the end of the route made it feel like a good deal more than that. I guess I am not quite as cycle fit as I used to be šŸ™

Here are the photos from the trip, more text to follow later.

Here is the route, google doesn’t do cycle estimates over here so I used the pedestrian option.
On the way out of Zagreb, I use the flood protection of the river Sava to take me out to the Arena centre with its whale skeleton concert hall in the background.
As I get out of the Zagreb suburbs the road is nice an flat and the countryside begins to take over.
I make a small detour to visit Maggie of the family who sold me her/my pool table! They have a lavender growing business surrounding their picturesque self built house.
It’s always a joy to be able to sit up, ride my bike none handed down a slight hill and feel my back stretch out and relax.
The border of Zagreb county with the county of Pisarovna.
Oh no a traffic jam! The only vehicle that got in my way on the whole journey was this farmer moving a load of fire wood. Spot the self service table selling freshly picked mushrooms at the side of the road.
This little musuem of wooden houses deserves to be revisited and done properly at some time!
At last the welcome to Karlovac county sign. I was getting a bit tired by this time. But a few miles on I hit a load of hills that almost finished me off.
This is google maps depiction of the “up and down” factor of the route does not do justice to the reality of the inclines! The lastĀ  10 km left my legs feeling very very very knackered!

Visitors who cycle to Barabrith from Zagreb will get my earnest respect!