It cooled a bit the last couple of days and so I was able to step out and do some work about the place. One task I’ve been meaning to tackle ever since I first stepped through our gateway is the de-barbing of the barbed wire that runs in a single strand around the top of the fence encircling our land. The quickest thing would be to rip it out and replace it but that would be wasteful and so I am slowly unravelling the twisted wire and then removing the spikes and before reattaching the double wire to the fence posts. Why didn’t I take a photo of that ?
Painting the houses, the barn and other out buildings is gonna be a bit of a Fourth Road Bridge task I suspect ut thats no reason not to do it, life is a cycle after all. I’m currently working my way slowly around the wooden underhang of the roof that juts out giving us some welcome shade from the sun and so deserves a new lick of dark brown paint.
Today it finally rained. There was a brief storm with thunder and lightning hopefully my fresh paint was dry enough by the time it poured down. The plants will be most happy.
I have not been idle of late. When the sun is too hot for me I have been sorting out our food stores so that they are safe from moths and working on my new venture! New venture! I hear you ask incredulously, What now? Well its a long story that started either when I damaged my big toe three years ago or when I was in Newcastle as the guest of my old mate Sned back in Febuary this year, depending on the version you hear. The climax of both tales is the launch of ANARCHOPUZZLES a jigsaw project run by the aforementioned Sned and yours truly. We have produced two puzzles so far, with another in production and several more planned. I will tell you the whole tale another time but for now here is our newly created flyer for you to wonder at.